Before I get too far behind, I wanted to share the memories of our Christmas! I will admit I didn’t take as many pictures as normal just because there were some moments it was all i could do to get through it. I wouldn’t recommend having surgery the week before Christmas. Just sayin.
Our first Christmas was the Sunday before when we celebrated with my family. This was when those who could come, were here so we celebrated early. Dad cooked a wonderful meal and afterwards, the kids finally got to tear into their presents.
As Ava saw what her first gift was, I thought she was going to cry she was so excited. She screamed in excitement and kept saying “it was just what I very wanted!” The best though was when she opened something in a box and she said in the most mundane voice ever “it’s a box.”. ha! Glad we got that one on video!
Modeling her Cuddle-uppet later that night!
One thing I want to remember about this Christmas is that when Reed would walk past the Christmas tree, or when we’d see Christmas lights out driving, he’d stop and say “ooooooo-oooooooooh!” in two different octaves! SO cute! I don’t know if we ever caught it on video but here he was saying it and you can see his mouth in an O! 
On Christmas Eve morning, Ava and I got to work making cookies for Santa! 
We got ready to head to church and had to be there early because Ava was an angel! About 1:30, she told me she didn’t want to do it (which I fully anticipated). We talked about it and she told me she would try to be brave! :) Here are some shots of them in their matching outfits before we left! 
During our Christmas Eve service, the Christmas story is told with and the children participate in the telling of the story. Here’s our little angel walking in!
{ADORE} this picture of her!
I was so proud of her for doing this and overcoming her fear!!!!!!!! After church, we headed to my Grandma’s house for the celebration with my mom’s family. Lots of people, lots of food, and lots of fun. I never see Ava when we are there because she is playing with my cousins non-stop. Ava was ready to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!
We got the kids home, and even though it was late, they were both very happy and in very good moods!!!
Ready for a visit from Santa!
Santa came to visit!!!
Ava’s big gift was a Barbie jeep! I didn’t want her to wake up and see it without us being there, and I didn’t want her to not open her other gifts, so since we have a wide foyer, I thought it’d be fun to put it in there, and then put wrapping paper in the doorway and make her tear through it!
The kids slept until almost 7:00. I was changing Reed’s diaper when Ava popped out of her room and asked if Santa had come. She ran to the living room and was so excited to see he had visited! She saw the doorway and said “WHOA! That’s a BIG present!” i told her that it was for her and she said “I CAN’T BELIEVE…… IT.” ha! She was SO excited!

Reed is obsessed with our broom. He’ll go to the utility room and pull it out and try to sweep, so Santa brought him his own sized broom. He LOVES it!!!!!
And sometimes you just gotta go in all the way!

Ava was excited for her car! Funny story: She got out after a while and Reed slid himself over to the driver’s side. Then he wouldn’t budge.
It was a cold, rainy (at that point) morning, but when it stopped raining for a minute, we let Ava take a test drive. She didn’t last long though because it was way too cold!
We went back to my Grandma’s for Christmas lunch. Ava was ready to go in her new shirt and headband! I’m gonna need her to STOP growing. Cannot believe how old she looks here!!!!
That afternoon, it started snowing!!!!! Ava had been waiting on it and was super excited, and Reed thought it was pretty cool too!!!

We ended up getting a pretty good little snowstorm! I never experienced a white Christmas until I was 26 years old! Ava has had two in her four years and Reed has had one. Both of their 2nd Christmases were white which is pretty cool!

We had a lovely Christmas. We still have one more Christmas too, with Zach’s family. We’d planned on celebrating with them this weekend, but the day after Christmas found Zach sick as mentioned previously. Thursday we ended up at the doctor with Ava, who just has a bad cold, and maybe a touch of croup. Everyone here just feels puny. Instead of sharing our germs, we’re just going to wait and visit when we are all feeling better! I’m using these days to rest!!! Going back to work this week was really hard on my physically and it has exhausted me. I’m ready to be at 100% again! It feels good to have this documented! Whew!