Monday, July 21, 2014

2014 Florida Vacation – Recap #1

Wow. Long time, no blog. I love this blog space for many reasons – I love the memory book it is for our family, and I love sharing our life. However, I’m struggling where I’m going to be going with it for several reasons. The main reason is time – I just don’t seem to have much time to devote to it anymore. I’m also debating a change to taking it private. I don’t have a huge traffic flow but with some social media concerns, I’m just not sure where this little ole blog will end up.

We have been BUSY the past month, mainly at work, working like crazy to get ready to be gone for a week of vacation. We just spent a week in Florida and it was glorious. It was so nice to be lazy and not worry about anything. I took time away from everything and it was so nice.

We didn’t do anything special there – we just sat on the beach and relaxed! Zach did play a couple rounds of golf, but we were just beach bums!

Things were a little crazy Monday – a man staying in our condo got bit by a shark! He was out about 75 yards bait fishing and got bit on the foot! Eeek! He was okay and not seriously harmed but we were a little on guard the rest of the week!

On the way there, Reed was SO excited to ride through the tunnel in Mobile! So adorable, that kid.IMG_9579

Ava cracked me up that first morning. We were waiting to get into our condo and she enjoyed the hotel breakfast with a cup of hot chocolate.IMG_9584

My first view of paradise for the week!IMG_9585

The kids were EXCITED to play on the beach. They absolutely loved it.IMG_9624 IMG_9625IMG_9593 IMG_9598IMG_9617 IMG_9618 IMG_9619 

We went to have frozen yogurt one night and they loved getting to pick out all the stuff to put in their cups. IMG_9634 IMG_9639

Just some more random memories!IMG_9654 IMG_9658


  1. So happy to see you back and that you had a wonderful vacation. I just booked us a vacation in the panhandle of Florida for next spring break because I've always wanted a week at the ocean to just chill out. I'll be sad to see you go private if that's what you choose to do. I love following your sweet family and as a working mom myself, I can so relate to a busy life trying to get it all done. It's nice to see that your blog is not all about shopping and expensive dresses! Hah. If you do go private, know you'll be missed! :O)

  2. Loving the vacation pictures!!! Where in FL were you? The water is gorgeous!!!!!

  3. I just caught up with your blog entries as I just got home from a trip. Your vacation looks like it was a great time. The beach looks so beautiful. I'm glad you all had a fun trip!

    Amy @


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