I went to work today fully anticipating it being my last day. (wishful thinking, maybe?) Anyway, I got everything there in order and headed to my appointment about 1:30. When we got there, a nursing student took my BP and it was high. Then the regular nurse came in and took it and it was still high. We waited a few minutes for the dr and he came in and it was still high a third time. He wanted me to go down to labor and delivery to be monitored for a while. At that point, he mentioned that he probably wouldn't let me go past 38 weeks and that he didn't want me working anymore during this pregnancy. That wasn't such hot news - I didn't really want to waste my leave at home without a baby.
So we went down to L&D and got all hooked up to the machines. The nurse set up the machine to take my BP every 15 minutes or so. The first reading was already significantly lower than upstairs in the dr's office. We also got to listen to Ava's heart beating the whole time. We could hear her wiggling around in there - she's a busy little lady. After almost 3 hours, my blood pressure was much, much lower and the nurse came back and told me I could go home. She also told me that the dr said at this point I could keep on working and just to go back for my next appointment on Thursday. I'm supposed to go back to the hospital if I have problems this weekend with dizziness, blurred vision, etc. So, for now, we're back in the waiting game. I'm not sure if the not going past 38 weeks will stand, so I guess we'll have to wait for Thursday for that answer.
We plan on having a nice, quiet weekend. With Hurricane Ike making an appearnace over us at some point, we figure it will be a nice weekend to stay cooped up inside with lots of resting, napping, and taking it easy. I'm just thankful Ava is ok and that there don't seem to be any major risks to her right now. I would have loved meeting her today or tomorrow, but I know the longer she has inside, the better off she will be. So, thank you for all of the prayers. We really appreciate them and all of you praying for us! Have a wonderful weekend and stay dry!!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Oh my gosh! WOW! What a lil' thrill of a couple days, huh? We're still praying for y'all & can't wait to hear the upcoming news! Take a load off while you still can for now though!