I had a dr's appointment today and got a little surprising news - we might be having a baby TOMORROW! My blood pressure was up a little bit today - it's been in a really good range and today it was higher than he said he likes to see. I had a bit of a stressful day at work so that could have played a role in it, but he wants to be safe rather than sorry. Sooo... tomorrow afternoon I have to head back up there and have my blood pressue checked again. He told me it wouldn't hurt to have a packed bag in the car just in case. He also said if my blood pressure was still high he'd more than likely send me down to labor and delivery. The good news about that is that he is on call this weekend so he would be the one delivering Ava, not some other doctor, which I've been concerned about. So, tomorrow afternoon we could be on our way to being parents! I totally was NOT expecting that so tonight will be a very busy night packing a bag, cleaning the house, etc. Of course knowing me, I won't be able to sleep so I will have plenty of time to get it all done.
In other baby news, we also had an ultrasound this afternoon to check out Miss Ava's size. She's looking good - everything seemed to be developed well and she weighed somewhere around 6 lbs 15 ounces. She's also head down and in position, so if I am induced tomorrow, as long as the blood pressure is okay, I should at least get a shot to have her naturally. Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick update and let everyone in on what's going on. If we don't stay in the hospital tomorrow, I will update after my appointment so everyone knows. And if you don't see an update, chances are we're having a baby!
Hello world!
1 year ago
sooooo exciting!!! we're praying for y'all and cannot wait to meet Ava!