Monday, August 29, 2016

Summer Highlights: June

We had one of the best summers. It was relaxing and we just got to do a lot of fun things together. Here are the highlights!

Grant pretty much just asserts himself to get whatever he wants however it takes. Exhibit 1.IMG_5848

One evening, Reed came in and said, “mom, i can’t get this stuff off.” He’d colored his eyebrow with my mascara. Laughing out loud


Strawberry shortcakes make everyone smile!IMG_5882

Fighting the sleep!IMG_5962

We discovered that Grant LOVES cars, trucks, etc.IMG_6008

This baby is seriously my joy boy. He is always SO happy!!!!IMG_6227

One Sunday morning before church!IMG_6255IMG_6272

Grant started getting really good at his walking. We spent many evenings letting him walk back and forth between us!IMG_6385

I had a Friday off of work and took the kids to our water park. We’d never been before and they had a great time!!IMG_6437IMG_6446IMG_6455IMG_6469IMG_6502IMG_6513

Zach and I got out for a date night!IMG_6544

Grant started throwing some pretty amazing fits. I tried to just give him his milk instead of holding him.IMG_6593

I got closer to my last day of work and had a goodbye lunch with my team.IMG_6606

We took the kids to a local splash pad. They LOVED it.


Had lunch for my last day of work with two of my favorites at one of my favorite restaurants!IMG_6770

I love how this baby sleeps!IMG_6778

First time for Grant to ride in the big double cart at Target.IMG_6794

Father’s Day!IMG_6862

We had family birthdays and Grant loved swimming!IMG_6866

I started my new job!IMG_6886

Reed and Maggie had a movie date!IMG_6890

Remember how I said Grant asserts himself to get what he wants. He wanted in the box.IMG_6948IMG_6951

Reed had his annual follow up with ACH doctor to make sure his cyst hadn’t returned. He got a fantastic bill of health. No cyst, and he was officially released from his doctor’s care. His doctor said he was “completely cured” and those were beautiful words!  His first surgery was three years ago yesterday and when we were going through that, it felt like it would never end. IMG_6964

Just some random moments.IMG_6967IMG_6979

We had a wedding shower for Stephanie!IMG_7002

And another family birthday party and swimming!IMG_7012IMG_7059

These sweet moments absolutely melt my heart!IMG_7077IMG_7129IMG_7147

More of summer to come!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Trip to the Bahamas: Final chapter

We woke up to a beautiful sunrise on our last day in the Bahamas! IMG_7373IMG_7374IMG_7375

We just spent the last day lounging, relaxing, eating and drinking! It was perfect!IMG_7385IMG_7387IMG_7397IMG_7398IMG_7400IMG_7405

We could not have asked for more perfect weather the week we were there. It was beautiful. It didn’t rain. It was just gorgeous.IMG_7406IMG_7409IMG_7411IMG_7414IMG_7417IMG_7419IMG_7420IMG_7421IMG_7442

We saw a heart on the beach that morning, so Zach wrote on for us! ha! It was still out there later that evening!IMG_7443IMG_7456IMG_7459IMG_7460IMG_7461IMG_7464

We had to be at the airport very early for our flight the next day. I was tired but excited to get home to my babies!


When we got there, my mom and the kids picked us up. I said hi to the kids through the window and went to put my bag in the back and Grant started bawling. I think he thought we were leaving him again!IMG_7695IMG_7696IMG_7701

I was happy to be back with my babies!!!IMG_7709IMG_7732

We seriously had the best time being away. It was so good for us and we enjoyed it so much! We hope to do it again in a few years or so! I’d highly recommend taking a few days away from life and responsibility to recharge!!!

The Edwards Family

The Edwards Family
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