Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ch, Ch, Change

So, I made a pretty big change a couple months ago. Just a couple of days after Grant’s first birthday, I resigned from the job I’d been at for almost 10 years and made the leap to a new job. I mentioned before that I felt like God was in every step of this and showed me in so many in ways that He was putting me where I needed to be, and I wanted to share about some of that.

Mid-April, I learned that my future at my job was uncertain. The company had been listed for sale, and there was the potential that should the sale happen, that I could be let go. I had a tough day learning that, but after the initial shock wore off, I was ok.

A week or so after I learned that, I had lunch with one of my closest friends. I told her what was going on. She had been mentioning for a while that she’d been joking with her husband that he should hire me. When I told her about my uncertain future, she asked me if I’d ever be interested in working where her husband is the Executive Director. I told her should they ever have something open, I would definitely be open to talking.

About two weeks later, she called me on a Friday night and told me that they were going to be hiring a position that was right in line with my level and skill set. She asked me if I would be interested and I said I would love to at least talk. I sent my resume on, and early the next week set up a working lunch for a pre-interview. We met, had a good conversation, I learned more about the company and they asked me to come for a formal interview. I did that the following week and about an hour after my interview, my phone started buzzing with people telling me they’d been called as a reference. The next morning, I was offered the job.

This was where it got hard. For the next week, I cried, and prayed. And cried, and analyzed. And cried, and discussed pros and cons. Did I mention I cried? The job I left was a job that I was dedicated to and worked so hard at for 10 years. It definitely had its ups and downs, and up until the last year or so, it was a job I loved. But not only that, I loved the people I worked with. Saying good-bye was one of the hardest things. And this decision was one of the hardest ones I’ve ever had to make.

I struggled big time with the decision. But when it came down to it, I just really felt like God was calling me to move. I feel like He put this job right in front of me, at a time when I needed it. I feel like the announcment of the company being put up for sale was the catalyst that made me realize I wasn’t completely happy. Not only that, but the things I had always said along the way that I wanted in a job, came to me in this new job. Every. Single. Thing. Who else could’ve done that but God? The whole process was SO easy from the get go. There was never that waiting that you often have to do with jobs – waiting for the interview, waiting for the offer, etc.

The last few weeks at my old job were very hard. It wasn’t quite how I expected it to be and I think God used that time to reaffirm I had made the right decision. I was so nervous starting the new job. Could I do it? Would I fit in? What if it’s a mistake? But God showed up with me and I can tell you absolutely it was not a mistake. Four days in, He showed me in a BIG way that I was some place that is the right place. I would love to share more about this because in and of itself is incredible, but it’s one of those things that I don’t feel is proper to share in a public forum. Just know that my mind was blown and that God is good. Smile

I do miss my old job. I miss my friends there. I miss knowing exactly what’s expected of me and how to get a job done, but I’m so proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished in my new job. I’ve been challenged and I’ve proven to myself that I CAN do new things and that I’m way more competent than I gave myself credit for! I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to do what I was hired to do and it has made me giddy to realize I CAN!

One of the very best things about my new job is that I have the ability to more or less dictate my working hours. This is HUGE for our family. It’s already been a blessing this summer, but when school starts? I think then we will really get to see the effects of it and I am SO excited!

I know this is getting long but I want to share one more thing about how I feel like God just perfectly orchestrated this. My friend whose husband hired me is a fairly new friend. We met about 4 years ago, and our friendship basically started online. She was a blog stalker reader of mine (Winking smile ), and we ended up sitting on the gymnastics bleachers together one season. We started talking and slowly our friendship grew. We started having lunches, texting, letting our girls play together and we came to be very good friends. Because of this friendship, I have a new job. I just think it’s amazing how even when we have no clue, God is working on the details of our lives, maybe even years down the road. So, if you are in a situation, ANY situation, where you are struggling or questioning, hang tight, because God can truly change things in an instant!!!


  1. Beautiful story Sarah. God is so good.

  2. That is so super duper cool! Wow, you are so right in that God does have his hands in whatever direction our life takes us! 😊💜

  3. Love this, SOOO happy for you!

  4. Love this!! Congrats!! Sounds exciting!

  5. I popped over to your blog today randomly to see if you posted. This was such a nice post to read, thank you so much for sharing!


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