Friday, October 10, 2008

Time flies..

How can my sweet baby girl already be 3 weeks old?? I cannot believe how fast time is passing. I wish some days I could stop the clock and enjoy this time with Ava forever. I'm going to miss my time with her so much when I have to go back to work. I'm trying to soak up every moment that I can now.

This has been a little bit of a tough week for us. Ava was quite cranky and fussy the whole week. She'd fall asleep and the moment we'd put her down she'd start screaming and she'd only be happy if we were holding her while she slept. Now I love holding her but at 4:00 am going on 1 hour of sleep I would just want her to lay down. I finally decided I didn't think she was getting enough to eat. So, yesterday we packed up and went to the pediatrician's office and sure enough, he confirmed what I'd thought. Ava had not gained one single ounce since she had been there the week before! Poor baby was just hungry! So, we decided to start using some formula again to help her get full. It was a really tough, emotional decision for me, but she and I are both so much happier today and I know that will help us really enjoy our time together much more. So, I would expect from now on she'll start growing like a weed!

Another issue I'd been struggling with was what to do with Ava when I go back to work. The day cares here all seem to have extremely long waiting lists and even though I've been on several since March, we'd had no luck. On Tuesday of this week, my aunt called me to tell me the preschool where her little girl goes actually watches infants and that they were about to have an opening. My mom and I went up there that afternoon and really liked what we saw. I had a few issues I needed to work out so Zach and I discussed it and decided to send Ava there. It's a church run facility that is an accredidated day care. It's also about 3 minutes away from my work so that will be convenient for drop off and pick up and will also give me the chance to go see her at lunch time or go check on her if I want/need to. I felt a huge burden lifted off my chest once we'd decided to send her there. It's wonderful the way the Lord works things out when we can't see a way. I've said all along that I knew He would provide and that He did. We're so blessed.

Here are some pictures we've managed to capture. There'snot a whole lot to capture since she is either sleeping or awake for a short period or crying! We try our best though - I know it will be hard to always remember her like she is now so I'm trying to get as many pictures of her as possible!!

After her "beloved" bath time!

She loves to stretch!

Her tummy time as recommended by the pediatrician

Oh how I love this sweet face! I could look at it all day long!

Sweet baby asleep today at 3 weeks old.

Cool Ava with her Uncle Stephen!!


  1. haha... those sunglasses fit her perfectly! :)

  2. Wow.....I can't believe it has been 3 weeks. She is so beautiful. I am so happy to hear that the Lord worked out your day care situation, what a blessing. And that you found out what was making her cranky this week. I hope that you all get lots more rest this week. I love all the new pics!!!


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