Sweet little Reed, how can you already be six months old? It’s unbelievable that you’ve already been with us for half a year. Six months ago, we were facing so much uncertainty about your first days of life.
It hurt your mama’s heart so badly that we couldn’t hold you and love on you. We have come SO far since that day, precious boy. You are a HEALTHY, happy, thriving baby boy and we are filled with overwhelming love for you.
- You love to put your feet in your mouth!
- You are interested in eating solids some days and others not so much. You are not a fan of oatmeal and prefer rice cereal over it. Your sister was the opposite.
- You do seem to like your fruits and your veggies.
- You are babbling up a storm.
- When you get excited, you kick your little feet like crazy and wave your arms. It’s cute.
- You are wearing some 6 month clothes and some 9 month clothes.
- Your 6 month check up is a little delayed because your 4 month check up was because you were sick.
- You are in Size 2 diapers.
- You eat 30ish ounces a day. Most days you eat very little at school and then come home and want to eat like crazy until bed time.
- You grab at EVERYTHING!
Happy 1/2 Bday sweet little cutie! You look so beautiful in the pic of you and handsome Reed!! Hope you get back to sleep filled nights!