Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014 Florida Vacation – Recap #3

I’m going to wrap up our vacation recap and then I’ll share a post with some photos we took on the beach. Reed never fails to make us laugh, and was in rare form at the beach, sporting Ava’s beach hat and crawling into the giant mesh bag my mom had to carry things back and forth! IMG_9760 IMG_9762IMG_9830 

One day I was laying on a beach towel and both kids said they wanted to come and lay down with me. These are such sweet kiddos.  IMG_9874IMG_9883 IMG_9878      

We had a fun filled last day at the beach. We pretty much stayed at the beach the whole day!!! We didn’t go up to the condo for lunch – instead I went up and made our lunch and brought it to the beach. It was so fun and the kids enjoyed it so much. They both even took naps on the beach! IMG_9962 IMG_9978 IMG_9982  IMG_9987 IMG_9988

Our nice guy who drilled the umbrella holes let the kids drill holes in the sand the last day! Reed was shy about it and didn’t want to and Ava jumped up and said “I want to do it!”  IMG_9991

Reed got over his shyness and drilled a couple holes! IMG_9996 

The kids really had fun eating their lunch on the beach!!


We actually had to wake Reed up from his nap – he was sound asleep! IMG_0010

This is one of my favorite pictures of the entire week!IMG_0015



As much as the kids loved the beach, they LOVED the pool. We would be at the beach and they would ask all day long if we could go to the pool. We ended our last day with some pool fun! IMG_0013 

We had such a fun week. I’m so grateful we got to take the kids and spend a week away at the beach. It was a much needed vacation and I hope that they will hold these memories with them forever!!!


  1. Looks like you all had a wonderful vacation. Beautiful location too! We are heading to the beach ourselves for a week in a couple of weeks and I can't wait. Looking forward to some R&R!


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