Monday, August 18, 2014

Catching up and the best picture ever!

Well, the first days of school are under our belt and everyone has adjusted well, for the most part. Ava loves a little bit of the independence she has, like walking to her classroom alone. Since I don’t have to sign her in anymore, I could drop Ava off in the car line and let her walk in alone. However, since I still have to take Reed in, she hasn’t gotten to do that yet. She’s asked me several times if I could just drop her off and then park to take Reed in! ;) IMG_1301

She also has to sit outsider her classroom until 7:40 until her teacher open the door for them. She told me on Friday that some days I can walk down to tell her goodbye and that on other days, I can’t. Thanks, kid. :)

Friday evening we celebrated the end of the first week by making brownies!IMG_1314IMG_1312

Saturday we didn’t do much of anything. In fact, I didn’t even leave the house and it was wonderful! We did have a movie night to watch Despicable Me 2 and made homemade pizzas!  IMG_1337

Sunday morning we went to church early and then after that, I sent Zach to his school to work on his homework in the peace and quiet. The kids and I stopped to get donuts and then went to wash my car. Reed sat with his fingers in his ears the whole time! IMG_1344 IMG_1346

After the carwash we stopped at Target to pick up something and we spent some time looking at toys since birthdays are coming up. Talk about over-stimulated children!! IMG_1355

Reed found an Olaf doll and he will definitely be getting one for his birthday. He LOVES Olaf. He likes to listen to the song In Summer from the soundtrack and he sings it in the Olaf voice. Too cute, that kid.IMG_1356

Okay, I’m going to end with probably one of my favorite pictures of Reed, ever! He wasn’t too happy to be going to his seat at school. And I happened to just click my camera at the most perfect second ever. What makes it even better is the caption on the bulletin board behind him!!!! So, if you’re not looking forward to your Monday, just look at this and you’ll HAVE to laugh.IMG_1300

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

First day of school 2014

We survived the first day of school!!! It went about as I expected at drop off, but the day was great for both kids!

On Monday, we went to drop off their school supplies, which I think makes the first morning so much easier! It also let the kids see their classroom, and Reed got to meet his teacher because she is new to the school this year!


I was off Monday and Tuesday with the kids. Ava had been asking for a while if we could go get frozen yogurt because we hadn’t been in forever (like 2 years forever – ha!) so I decided that would be a fun thing to do their last day of summer vacation.IMG_1072IMG_1073

Reed had been saying most of the summer he didn’t want to go to preschool, that he wanted to just stay in his old classroom. On the night before school started, I was SO nervous for him. I really thought it would be a rough drop off because I know how Reed is. He seems to struggle with change and it takes him a while to feel comfortable. I was just so worried about how he would do in a new class with a teacher he wasn’t familiar with (he knows a lot of the teachers there but since his was new to the school, he had no idea who she was). IMG_1136

We did our traditional first day of school photos and then headed off to school! I can’t believe how big my babies have gotten.IMG_1214IMG_1217IMG_1140IMG_1148

It was also Zach’s first day of school for the year!IMG_1231IMG_1266IMG_1197

When we got to school, we stopped at Reed’s room first. He was very hesitant and unsure. I knew he would feel a little scared but I hoped he would get through it okay. IMG_1288

He didn’t want to get a toy out to use at his seat until school started. He started crying and I walked out so I wouldn’t have to hear the screams. He tried chasing Zach across his room and I don’t know if his teacher grabbed him after that or what.

We then headed to Ava’s room to get her all settled. She was an excited little kindergartner!IMG_1287IMG_1286  I’m so proud of my big girl! After we took Ava to her room, I saw a mom that had just dropped off her daughter in Reed’s room. She said he wasn’t crying any more and that he was doing a puzzle. That definitely helped! I had tears in my eyes before Zach had to leave to go to school, but I held them back.

Mid-morning, I saw a text pop up from Ava’s teacher and, oh y’all, my heart SWELLED when I saw what she had sent me! It was a picture of my babies that said “They had some time outside together. His teacher said he was doing great, and was super happy!” MADE. MY. DAY.IMG_1290

Then I got a text later from Ava’s teacher from last year of Reed sitting in the cafeteria at lunch. My baby! How is he so big??IMG_1294

I am SO SO grateful tot he wonderful teachers at our school who look out for ALL the kids and parents, not just their own students. It meant so much to me to see pictures of my sweet boy having a good day when I was so worried about him.

I also got a photo of Ava at nap time – girl was sacked out! She was also exhausted last night!!IMG_1296 

She had fun learning, too!IMG_1297

All in all, they both had a great day! They came home happy. Reed told me he got a sticker for staying in line which I’m sure is hard for an almost three year old! ha! I’m so glad we have the first (and scariest!) day behind us! Thank you to all who called and texted to see how the kids did (and if I was okay!!!)! Y’all are the best!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On the eve of kindergarten..

Ava starts kindergarten tomorrow. I’ve had extra time to prepare since her birthday made her just miss the cutoff last year. She will be six next months, and I can honestly say that I feel like the last six years have passed in the blink of an eye. With such a milestone, as it has approached, I’ve become less sad and just excited. I KNOW this girl is going to go on to do big things and I truly can’t wait to sit back and watch!


So, in honor of tomorrow’s first day:


You start kindergarten tomorrow. I know that you will have the best time and you are going to learn SO much! I’m excited for you, but I also know this is going to be a BIG change. This is when the work starts getting real and the life lessons will, too. As you grow up and pass through grades, you’re going to face so many things that they don’t teach you in school. As your momma, it’s my job to teach you these things, and I want you to always remember these.

  • Be YOU. There is no one else like you in the world and don’t ever change yourself to be anyone else. Just. Be. You.
  • Try new things. Mommy was a ‘fraidy cat in school and I skipped out on a lot of things because I was embarrassed to try them or just plain scared. I don’t want you to do that and miss out on finding something new you may love.
  • Always do your best. You are so smart, Ava. But you can be lazy. You like to rush through things just to get it done. Slow down and take your time. You’ll waste more time having to re-do things than if you try your best the first time.
  • You can do hard things. Sometimes it will seem like you can’t tackle the obstacle in front of you, but know this, baby girl. You can do it. Whether it be school work or some situation that you find yourself in, you’ve got it. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Don’t give up on yourself or sell yourself short.
  • Families are forever and family is first. Your family is the best support group you have. No one in this world will love you quite like we do. No matter what happens in your life and where life takes you, we will ALWAYS be there for you. Come to us. Talk to us. Let us walk through life with you. There will come a day when you find yourself wanting to be with your friends and boys more than us, and that’s a normal part of life, but just remember we will always be there. Make time for us because friendships fade and boyfriends will break your heart and people come in and out of your life, but not us. You’ll always have a place with us.
  • Always use your manners. An aide at your school stopped me last night to tell me how polite you always are and that made me so proud. It tells me you ARE listening and watching, even when it doesn’t seem like it. Thank you for making us so proud.
  • You will have hard times. You just will. That’s an inevitable part of life. Just remember when you’re faced with a challenging situation, Jesus is there for you and hears you. Pray. Ask Him to be your guide. You may find yourself on a road you shouldn’t have taken, but with Jesus in your heart you’ll always get right back to where you need to be.
  • Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Ava, you will encounter mean girls. It’s inevitable. Even as an adult you’ll have to deal with mean girls. You will get hurt and you won’t understand, but please, please don’t be a mean girl in return. Be kind hearted and treat people like you would like to be treated, but still stand up for yourself. You may not always be able to salvage a relationship and that’s okay. Pray for those who hurt you and know when enough is enough and when to walk away.
  • Don’t be afraid to go your own way. You’re a follower, Ava. You like to jump in a group and just join in the fun. There will be times that you need to stray from the group and make the hard decision to NOT follow along. Trust me on this. I’ve been there. Make good choices.
  • You are SO loved. Even when it feels like you have no one, just know that we love you more than the world.

Spread your wings, baby girl. We can’t wait to see you fly and all that you’ll accomplish.

Love you forever,


Monday, August 11, 2014

Fun, fun, and more fun!

We have been having a lot of fun the last week! I took a few days off work to stay with the kids while all the care was closed down for cleaning and professional development. The first day of school is Wednesday and when it starts, Ava will be starting KINDERGARTEN and Reed will be be starting PRESCHOOL! Say WHAT?!!

I’m also going to attempt to catch up on some stuff we’ve done since we’ve been back from the beach!

The week after we got home, I went to drop Reed off at school on Thursday morning. It had stormed the day before, and when we got there, there was no electricity! So, I took Reed down the street with me to work for a bit while we waited on our summer sitter to come get him. He had fun “working” for me.IMG_0329 IMG_0335

Reed has also decided over the summer that while at home, he no longer wants to nap. We make him lay down but no sleep follows. So the scene at 7:00 or before on those days looks a lot like this. IMG_0341

Alot of Friday evenings, Ava comes and lays down in my bed with me. Zach likes to stay up and catch up on some of his shows, so Ava and I lay down and we either watch a movie or she goes to sleep while I read. One Friday evening we let Reed join us and I think all parties were pretty content. IMG_0359 

Ava had to spend a couple of mornings at school with Zach and he sent me some pictures of her playing the flute one morning. She looks pretty natural!  IMG_0508

Ava spent the summer with my 16 year old cousin and Ava absolutely loved it!!!!! She said it was like having a big sister! She did Ava’s hair one day and I loved how cute it looked!!!!IMG_0525

I love how kids can find so much joy in such simple pleasures such as an umbrella! I need to take a lesson from this!! IMG_0535

Reed started at the early childhood center at our school when he was 3 months old. August 1st was his last day there. The love he received while he was there was more than a mom could ever have prayed for. He LOVED it and when we talk about preschool, he says he is not going and just wants to stay in his old class. I think Wednesday will be a shock. :( IMG_0599


Last week on our days off, we spent one day in NWA with one of my best friends. Her talented hubby had built this amazing plane swing and Reed LOVED it! IMG_0708Getting to spend several uninterrupted hours with my wonderful friend (the longest we’ve seen each other since she moved almost a year ago), was soooooooooooooooooo good for my soul. It was a great day!

On Tuesday, we all got hair cuts and then met friends at Chick-fil-a for lunch and play.IMG_0730

Last week was slightly rough though, for Zach certainly, because he was leaving for work before 8:00 and coming home well after 8:00. Tuesday night the kids tried to wait up for him but both fell asleep in the living room before he got home. IMG_0820

Wednesday Reed was soooooo tired and I just couldn’t console him and he finally just said “I just miss my daddy”. So sad. IMG_0863 

So Thursday night I drove them up to Zach’s school to see him for a few minutes before his evening rehearsal. Talk about a happy boy!!!! IMG_0882

Friday, Ava went to an almost slumber party! She wore her pjs and got to do all the slumber party things but came home to sleep! It was such a fun and cute party!!!! IMG_0885 IMG_0911

Saturday night I found her in bed with her sleep mask resting on her head! :)IMG_0964

Yesterday we got up and headed to church and then after that went to spend the day with Zach’s sister and her family. Oh Reed, and his faces!IMG_0973 IMG_0977

We attempted to take a picture of the cousins together, but that WASN’T easy. We did pretty good, but I wish I knew why the one wasn’t looking was the oldest?!?!IMG_1023 IMG_1030

We’ve definitely had some busy but fun last couple of weeks. We are going to squeeze in as much fun as we can the next two days before we are back to it full time!!!!

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The Edwards Family
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