Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Confessions

Oh, Friday. Hello again. Good to see you. I had grand intentions of blogging more this week, and then, well life happened.

Confession #1 – Reed woke up Tuesday night screaming and had a vomit covered bed. Hello, stomach bug. We were SO not happy to see you. He had a pretty rough next few hours. He got some relief around 9:30 am Wednesday morning, but his fever stuck around through part of Thursday. Zach stayed home with him Wednesday and I stayed home with him Thursday. We’re hopeful this doesn’t visit anyone else!IMG_7250

Confession #2 – Earlier in the week, I got this text from Reed’s teacher.

IMG_7239 I started laughing so hard sitting at my desk reading this. We had gotten donuts Sunday morning and had a twisted one left. On Monday morning, instead of cutting it in half to split for him and Ava, I just untwisted it and gave them each a spiral. It made quite the impression on Reed.

Confession #3 – Thursday while I was home with Reed, we had several thunderstorms roll through which made a perfect day at home. I confess that while Reed was napping, I watched the movie Fireproof. Yes, yes, I know, it’s such a cheesy movie but I love it. I usually watch it once a year (usually when Zach is out of town in February, but he didn’t go this year so I watched it now!), and I just love it.

Confession #4 – Monday morning it was sprinkling and of course that meant Reed needed to use his new umbrella!IMG_7230 

Confession #5 – I just love my girl to pieces. She’s growing up into such a sweet young lady!IMG_7244

Confession #6 – Thanks to my marathon cleaning session last weekend and due to the fact that we’ve been on top of picking up, and thanks to my extra day at home this week, our house is clean and I don’t have to worry about it this weekend. WOOHOO! That, my friends, makes for a happy weekend! 

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