Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Confessions

It’s been a while since I’ve linked up with A Blonde Ambition and done some Friday confessing. So, here goes!

  • I’m taking this afternoon off from work and I’m so excited to have some extra time for fun. I’m going to take the kids to visit one of my dear friends, and then after that we are stopping in to see our sweet little niece!
  • I confess that sick kids are no fun. I got a call Tuesday that Reed was running fever at school and that he was saying his ear hurt on the inside. I went to get him and he was so out of it I couldn’t even wake him up. He looked so sad and pitiful. We made a quick trip to the walk in clinic where they said he had the beginnings of an ear infection. IMG_8549
  • I confess that I have a new obsession: JAMBERRY!!! Have you heard of them? It’s a company that makes nail wraps. You apply them to your nails and don’t have to wait for drying, no smudging and they don’t chip!!! They last up to two weeks on your fingers and longer on your toes. And there are OVER 300 designs!!! To say I’m obsessed is an understatement. In fact, I’ve signed up to be an Independent Consultant and I can’t wait to get this business off the ground and running. Check out my site by clicking on Jamberry. If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them!IMG_8586
  • They also make nail wraps for little girls, and I have a daughter who has quickly become a Jamberry enthusiast! She keeps talking about how we can sell them!!! IMG_8581
  • I confess that when Reed when back to school yesterday, I came out to find Zach had gotten him dressed – which was great, only that he dressed him in the exact same clothes he wore on Tuesday! Zach didn’t seem to be worried and as a friend pointed out, at least we were caught up on laundry! ha!IMG_8591
  • I confess that I am loving my minivan. Seriously. I don’t care if it’s not cool. It’s an amazing car!
  • I confess that if Reed doesn’t stop waking up every single morning at 4:30 or 5:30, I may start making him sleep outside. Ok, not really, but I am tempted.
  • I confess that I plan to consume some adult beverages this weekend. It’s been a long week at work and I’m looking forward to some relaxing!

That’s all I’ve got for today! See you back soon!


  1. I have ordered some Jamberry wraps before, but only used them once. I loved them, but I need some quiet time to focus and get them on correctly. It's hard with Lilly! Maybe I will try again this weekend! Your nails look great! Also, I don't blame you for loving your minivan. I LOVE ours too! It did take me a few weeks to adjust but it's so awesome now!!!! Automatic doors=life changer!!!! And yay for being caught up on laundry-I must admit, I am a tad jealous about that! :) Have a great weekend!

  2. I can't wait to order some of the Jamberry wraps and try it out!! :) :) :)

  3. I see soooooo many people who use Jamberry and I have still yet to try them! I think I may need to look into it! :)

  4. Cheers to the weekend! I'm so looking forward to a big glass of wine!

  5. Hi there! I found you through the link up.I actually heard of Jamberry recently and I think it's the cutest idea. How do you apply them? I tried using the Sally Hansen nail sticker things.. And one tore in half! There wasn't a backup so I basically wasted $11..
    I'll be consuming some beverages with you!! Drink up :)

    1. Hey Leslie! Jamberry is applied with heat. You heat the wraps, and then apply them to your finger. Then you heat it again, smooth it out with a rubber cuticle pusher and then trim them. The awesome thing about Jamberry is that there ARE plenty of backups, but they won't tear like that. If you check out my website, there is a video on the main page that shows how they are applied. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help you out!!! Just let me know!


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