Monday, January 6, 2014

Recovery Days

Reed is one week post-op. He is doing SO well! It’s truly remarkable and hard to believe he had surgery seven days because he has recovered so well.

One of the nice things about Reed having his surgery last week was that Zach was already off work for Christmas break. He was able to stay home with Zach and get good rest. Reed’s scar is looking much better. One thing that is different from the first surgery is that with his first one, the incision never seemed to fully close and drained even up until the week before his 2nd surgery. This time there has been no drainage so I’m hopeful that means that no cyst matter remains!!!

Thursday both the kids got a hair cut, which Reed especially needed. His hair had gotten LONG! They both look so grown up now. IMG_4614 IMG_4632

The kids had a chill day at home on Friday. They started the morning out watching TV together to be quiet. Zach was still in bed when I left for work. I don’t think he got to stay there long.IMG_4635

Friday evening, I took Ava to see Frozen. She was so good last week and so patient while we had to give Reed extra attention. We thought a little one on one time for her with one of us was well deserved. The movie was SO cute. She and I both loved it!!!! The soundtrack was on sale on iTunes and I’d heard rave reviews about it as well so I got it. Ava was surprised when we got out to the car and I turned on one of the songs. She started belting it out immediately. She sat on the edge of her seat the whole movie and would just look at me randomly and grin. She was still so happy after!IMG_4653

After Friday, our weekend was low key. We did some work around the house. We went to church. We tried to stay warm with this massive cold front that has overtaken half the nation. We saws some snow flurries yesterday afternoon but nothing major.

Today was back to school for the kids and Zach and I think we are all happy to get back to our routine!

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