Monday, November 9, 2015

Last week’s rewind

Last week was another super busy one. Thankfully this week, Zach doesn’t have any evening commitments until Friday night, and at least then, I don’t have to have things ready for the next day.

I can’t believe Grant is already old enough to be playing in toys like this. He’s growing up way too fast. IMG_7367

It seems like he is always fussy on Monday nights, which happen to be gymnastics night. It makes it difficult to get dinner and everything done because he just wants to be held. I don’t mind holding him, but when I’m the only parent home, I can’t always just sit and do that. However, last week, I had dinner in the crockpot, so I just sat and held him. The minute Zach walked in the door he quit crying, of course, so I told Zach he’d never believe Grant cried the old time they were gone. :)IMG_7399 

Zach had to be at work on Tuesday night. My mom had picked up the kids that afternoon and took them to my grandma’s house. When I picked them up, I guess they felt sorry for me since Zach was gone, and they sent me home with a variety of food for dinner. I didn’t hate it.IMG_7406 

Grant has decided his toes make a pretty tasty treat!! IMG_7423 IMG_7425 

I seriously wish I could bottle him up and keep him like this for a long, long time. He is just so sweet and happy and I just wish time would slow down. He still puts himself to sleep just by putting his fingers in his mouth. Sweet love.IMG_7456 

Reed’s class was learning about the letter I last week and they had an ice cream social one day after naptime! He sure enjoyed it!IMG_7457 

Friday morning Ava got to carry up the offertory gifts at their school Mass. She was very excited. Zach and I both went and she was happy we were there! I can’t believe how old she is getting.IMG_7470  IMG_7469 

Friday I went to pick up Grant from school and I was walking down the stairs and this jumper sits right in front of the door, and first thing I saw was this sad face! I’m not sure what was upsetting him but that’s a cute sad face!IMG_7484 IMG_7486 

These two sure love each other. I sure hope it stays that way!IMG_7492

I just love Friday night snuggles. Grant was so happy before bedtime and we just hung out talking and laughing on the couch!IMG_7505

The weeks just fly by anymore! I can’t believe 2015 is almost over!


  1. I love when babies find their toes, so precious!! Your church is gorgeous! Reminds me of the one I was married in. Very ornate.

  2. Love Grant, he is sooooo sweet. I can't believe Thanksgiving is two weeks from this Thursday. WHERE HAS THE YEAR GONE!? It's been a difficult year for lots of people (our family included, as well as yours I know)...but it's just flown by. I'm praying 2016 is kinder to us all!

  3. Your kiddos are just SO cute!! I can't believe how big Grant is! And I too am struggling to believe that 2015 is almost over!


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