Sunday, September 27, 2009

Please pray

for this sweet little baby.

This is Noah. He was born yesterday morning and his mommy is one of my oldest friends and they need prayer. Noah was given a healthy slate at first and then some tests came back indicating he had a bacterial infection in his blood. In his first day of life he's already been through the ringer. He's had extensive tests, had a spinal tap and cannot eat. There is fear that his condition could be either pneumonia or meningitis. Because of some issues, the results from the spinal tap won't be available to his parents until Tuesday evening. His parents are holding up well considering the circumstance and have been told that his condition was caught early enough that it is not fatal. He is on two high powered antibiotics and will be in the NICU for a minimum of 7 days and possibly up to 21 days.

His parents' biggest concern at the moment is that if he does have meningitis, there is a possibility that he will have developmental issues and possibly problems hearing.

Please pray for Noah, and his parents, Natalie and Steve. This is their first child and they are heart broken that their first days as a family of 3 are filled with their son being sick. I went to the hospital this morning to be with Natalie and she is being very strong and knows that whatever happens, this is Noah's story and it is in God's hands. Please pray for her as she heals from her c-section and pray for her strength and courage right now. She's very sad that she's not getting to hold her baby boy.
Please pray that this sweet little baby's body will be healed from infection and that there will be no lasting damage as a result of this illness. I know they will appreciate any prayer they can get right now.


  1. I am praying..please send my love and thoughts!!


    Stephanie in Mo.

  2. oh my gosh!!!! this is so scary! keep us posted. definitely praying!!!

  3. Hate to hear this. I'll be praying!

  4. prayers going their way. bless their hearts!

  5. Oh my God! I had no idea. I'm praying for them!

  6. How horrible. They are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Thanks for sharing this request, I had no idea! I'm glad the Lord is giving Natalie strength thus far. We'll be praying for baby Noah daily now.


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