Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How we spent our weekend

We started our weekend with a visit to the doctor for Reed. Friday morning I was getting ready to take the kids to school, and went to wipe Reed’s face, and I cupped my hand under his chin, and felt this HUGE lump there. I kinda freaked a little. It was seriously the size of a walnut! I called the doctor right at 8:00 and after calling back at 10:15 and 2:00, I finally got a call back at 2:30. They didn’t tell me when I called at 8:00 that our doctor was gone. They didn’t give the message to the other doctors’ nurses and our nurse was coming in late. The office people were supposed to tell the nurse if someone called more than once. I was more than just a little furious with the office staff. If they’d told me at 8:00 that our doctor wasn’t there, I could’ve just requested an appointment or decided to take him to a walk-in well before the day was over. Zach got him and took him to the walk-in clinic after work. Diagnosis was a sinus infection and infected lymph node under his tongue. So, he’s on meds and will hopefully be back to normal soon.

Friday evening, we watched our friends’ children. Back in November, my sweet friend Amanda offered to watch our kids so Zach and I could go out to dinner for our anniversary. Between sick kids, schedules, etc, we hadn’t had the chance to repay the favor until now. I was SO glad we were able to do this for them though, because she told me it’d been over 2 years since their last date! And this sweet girl texted me and asked me if she could bring anything OTHER THAN the chocolate dipped pretzels she had made! She is the best sweets maker – cookies, cakes, you name it!IMG_9508

We had a little pizza picnic party for the three older kids. Their sweet little 11 month old was using Reed’s chair, so Reed got to eat with the big girls and he was SO excited! When I told them to sit down, he ran over and was the first to plop his bottom down!   IMG_9513

The kids all had so much fun and we did too. The kids were so well behaved and were excited to have playmates here! We will definitely have to do this again.

Saturday we woke up to a rainy day. I did a little work around the house and then Zach left and took both kids grocery shopping with him! WOOHOO! I took advantage of the alone time and…. did absolutely nothing! ha! When they got home, we all took a family trip to Sam’s. The kids love going there and honestly, so do I! :) And then this happened on the way home…IMG_9516

Ava stayed asleep and Reed did not. It was noon by this point and he wanted lunch. Even after lunch he didn’t want to lay down. He wasn’t feeling the greatest so I took advantage of him wanting to be held and snuggled him until he fell asleep.IMG_9549

While they were sleeping, I got to work on cleaning out our closet.   This was mid-way through and thankfully it looks a million times better!IMG_9550

While I was cleaning, I got this text: IMG_9553

While I’ve known this would happen, I’m so not ready for it. I’m really sad that we will be far away from all of our immediate family. It is SO hard for me to accept help from people, even from my mom. But she often insisted and we would take the help (because sometimes situations just call for back-up). I know there are people here who will help us in a bind, but I feel so guilty or like I’m putting people out! Not looking forward to the day they actually leave. :(

Sunday we had to go pick out a new toilet – fun, huh? We’ve had issues with the commode in our bathroom for the longest time and I just finally had enough. Zach tried to fix it on Saturday and there was just too much wrong so we ended up with a new one. Not fun spending money on that, but I’d say it’s kinda necessary. ha! IMG_9557

While he was getting the toilet installed, I took the kids to Target. Look at them – this is their mug shot and I’d say they are pretty guilty looking! IMG_9563

I was trying shoes on Ava and at that point, Reed was in the front buckled in and he somehow managed to stand up. As this was going on, a lady working noticed us (I don’t know how you could’ve missed us!), and she told me I was brave. I replied with “Or stupid!” ha! She said she had one toddler and wasn’t even brave enough to venture out with him. She then asked if popcorn would help and went and got them each a cup! God bless her! I had about 5 minutes of quiet. ha!

All in all, we had a good weekend. It was the slowest and least busy one we’ve had in over a month, so it was much welcomed!!!

1 comment:

  1. so glad reed is okay! hope he's feeling so much better!! and our trips to target are either hit or miss....either both girls behave and i think, "i can totally do this!" or they are both a hot mess and i consider shoplifting what i need just so we can get out of there quickly...only i know there is NO way we wouldn't be noticed. ;-)


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