So, we know all classes have them - you know, that kid that has tantrums and acts poorly at school. I know we all had someone we went to school with and I'm sure that even though they'd never say it, all teachers have those kids that they really wish wouldn't be in their class.
And I'm scared that my daughter may be turning into that kid.
Zach calls me every day after he picks up Ava to give me a report on how she's doing and her day. And he said today that she got in trouble. And not once, but twice. She's a very temperamental child and does not like it when things don't go her way. But who really does? I know that there are sometimes I wish I could just flat out throw a tantrum (and if I'm really honest, there might be times that I do... but only maybe). But, I digress.
Ava got in trouble for biting. She's that kid. And I'm sooooooooooo incredibly upset and frustrated. I know kids go through stages and I know they misbehave but I just don't know what to do regarding this situation anymore! She did it a couple of times a few months ago. And it had gotten better. And I think then it was really more related to the fact that her molars were coming in and her mouth just plain hurt. But then it rared it's ugly head a couple of weeks ago. I was visiting a friend who'd just had a baby and I was holding him and when I got him, Ava saw, got incredibly jealous and walked up AND BIT ME! No lie. She bit me twice on the leg. And I grabbed her little cheeks and looked at her face and told her that we do NOT bite. And that had been the last of it.
Until today. So now she's bitten two kids. And I don't know how to fix this. She's not doing it at home so I don't know how to teach her that this is not ok if she's not doing it around me. I don't want her to keep doing it at school because I don't want her to be the kid that the teachers don't like because she is unruly, and I don't want the parents to not like her because she's biting their kids!
I know that this is totally a phase that many, many kids go through, but it really upsets me because it's my kid that's hurting others! This is NOT OK! Does anyone have any tips on how to get her to stop biting????? And teachers out there - do you have any little kids that act up and do bad things that you still love????? Make a mom feel better please!!
How can this cute little, crooked hat wearing little girl from this morning be so feisty????
Any tips anyone has would be greatly appreciated. I hate having to write about this because I know that no one likes to admit flaws and I hate that anyone might think of Ava as less than sweet - but it's true that she's wild and has a mean temper tantrum and I know that's part of her personality but this is real. This is life at our house and I know I'm not the only mom out there who's felt that way! I asked Ava's pediatrician about this last time we had a check up and he said it is a phase and if a parent got mad at us then oh well. He said he tells indignant parents whose kids are bitten that they will probably be embarrassed the next week because it will be their kid biting. When Ava got bit earlier, I wasn't uspet about the biting - I was just upset that she had gotten in trouble for it but then it was kind of blown off when it happened to her!!!! Anyway, help please???!!!!!! Thanks a ton!