Around noon on Thursday, Zach and Ava picked me up from work and we headed off to St. Louis. My brother got married there last night. The trip up was uneventful. Ava did sooooooooooooo good traveling! We were so proud of her. She slept about two of the six hours and played pretty well the rest of the time. She did get a little antsy so I crawled into the back to sit with her.

Is this not pure preciousness?
When we got to the hotel, we met up with my parents and my aunt and uncle from Viriginia. Another aunt and uncle and their family arrived a little later and we met my brother and his best friend at this local pizza place. It was AMAZING! It was late when we were finished so Zach headed back to the hotel and put Ava to bed while my cousin and I headed out for a little while. It was fun to go out and we had a good time!
Friday the boys were set to play golf. We had a bridesmaid luncheon and before that we fit in a little bit of shopping. Here's Miss Priss at her first shopping experience at Macy's!
(She looks thrilled doesn't she?)
We headed to our luncheon and then went back to the hotel for a much needed nap. We knew it would be another late night because of the rehearsal/dinner. Ava handled it all SO well. We got so many compliments all weekend about how well behaved she was. She loves going new places so it was no surprise she was excited to take it all in.
She had a good time at the rehearsal dinner:
She sat like a big girl at the table with us

She acted really tired so my dad held her and tried to put her to sleep. She was all but asleep when all of a sudden she popped up and was ready to go for some more!
Day 3 of the trip was incredibly busy so I'll cover that in another post! Here's a preview!