We spent our Memorial Day Weekend in St. Louis to celebrate our nephew’s first birthday! We headed up Friday afternoon. Ava rode up with my mom and sister so we had a pretty uneventful ride with just little man. He traveled SO well!
I did end up climbing in the back to sit by him and entertain him for a while. He was such a sweetheart! 
I put Ava’s sunglasses on him – not sure he was amused!!! :) 
When we got there, we checked into the hotel and then went over to my Greg and Kelsey’s house for dinner. My mom, brother, and sister were all there as well as many members of Kelsey’s family.
Saturday morning we had breakfast and attempted a picture of my parents with their three grandkids. Not easy. They are all at least looking in this photo!!!! I caught Reed with his new face. :)
We then headed out to go shopping for a bit. Ava drove a school bus. Pure happiness!
For lunch, I got to meet up with sweet Jillian and E! I was so bummed to miss her earlier this year when she was here visiting so I was excited to have the chance to meet up! E was the cutest, best behaved little girl and I loved getting to chat with Jill!! Thank you so much again for taking the time to meet us!!!!
Ava and her sweet new friend!
That afternoon we headed back to Greg and Kelsey’s. Luke party wasn’t until later but the kids wanted to swim. We had hoped to swim at the hotel but they were filling the pool Friday night and it didn’t open until Monday, so plan B was to let Luke open one gift (a pool) a little early.
The kids all took naps and Ava woke up from hers a little earlier. She was dying to get in the pool but we waited a bit for Luke to wake up. Ava was SO patient and well behaved and I was SO proud of her for being such a big girl and so mature about having to wait.
Reed and Aunt Stephanie
Reed catching a ride on their big dog!!!!
Finally getting to swim!!!! 

Reed was not a fan – too cold for him! 
Birthday boy finally woke up!
He wasn’t a fan either!!!!
Cute Snoopy birthday cake!!!!
This he was a fan of!!!
Sweet birthday boy!!!!
Ava testing out one of Luke’s presents!!
Happy 1st birthday Luke! We love you little man!!! Glad we got to celebrate with you!!!!