Well, a lot can happen in three months’ time.
Most importantly, our precious baby is here!
Grant Thomas Edwards ~ May 20, 2015 ~ 10:56 a.m. ~ 8lbs 7oz ~ 20 3/4 inches
I hope to maybe one day write down his birth story as it was a little crazy and fast. We are so thankful he is here an healthy.
Big sister and big brother love him! Ava loves to hold him and Reed is somewhat indifferent, though at times loves to talk to him and love on him.

Our first photo as a family of five!!

The big kids went home with my parents for a couple days so we had a few days at home with Grant on our own before they got home. Those days were sweet and nice to focus just on the baby for a couple of days. They were excited to get home to him, though.
And a few memories of his first couple of weeks.

I lost count of how many ultrasounds I had (at least 3-4), but in every one, Grant had his little hand up by his cheek just like this. He also folds his legs like this often and I’m certain he probably laid that way inside me. He’s starting to slowly uncurl and I’ll be sad when he doesn’t sleep like this anymore!
He also has the two most adorable dimples!
Big sister sure loves him and LOVES to hold him. I think they will be very close!

I am so thankful for the time off from work that I am getting to spend with not just Grant, but my whole family since everyone is on summer break. This little boy arrived at a perfect time! :) Because i know how fast these days go, I told Zach before I had Grant that I wanted to spend most of my summer holding him. While I AM doing some other things, there is A LOT of this going on, and he and I both love it!!!!
Sweet baby Grant on his due date ~ 06-06-2015
I can’t believe I have three kids!
We’ve been so blessed the last two and half weeks with family and friends helping us out with so many things like cleaning the house, watching the kids while we have had doctor appointments, taking the kids to do stuff so they can get out of the house and bringing us meals. They say raising kids takes a village and that is SO true!
As I mentioned, a lot has gone on in our family over the past three months. Part of me would love to catch up on some of the stuff that was missed over that time, in regards to the older kids and the end of my pregnancy, but I’m just not sure if I’ll get around to it. I’m also not sure if I’ll be able to keep this up, which makes me sad b/c I want to have so many of these memories recorded, but time is really at a premium these days. We’ll have to see what happens!