Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ava Hanging Out
Sunday, December 28, 2008
2008 - The Year in Review
January 25 - We're pregnant! We found out on this day that I was indeed pregnant - after all, THREE home pregnancy tests wouldn't lie would they?
February 12 - We saw Ava's little heart beat for the very first time. Unfortunately, the u/s machine in the dr's office was broken and couldn't print pictures so we did not get a picture of her little heart. We were also told that there were possibly two heart beats floating around in there. (Unfortunately, I have no corresponding picture for February.)
April 18 - Zach turns 24!!
May 22 - It's a Girl!!!!!!!
August 25 - I celebrated my "golden" birthday - 25 on the 25th!

September 19 - Happy birthday, Ava!!!!
October 26 - Ava is baptized!!
December 25 - Our first Christmas with a baby!
Thank you Lord for an incredibly blessed 2008! None of this would have been possible without You. We can't wait to see what You have waiting for us in 2009!
Check us out!
The 2009 E Family 365
Come check us out!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ava's First Christmas
Ava chilling on Christmas Eve morning
After leaving we headed home and went to my grandma's for the Christmas Eve celebration there. One of my favorite traditions from Christmas Eve is that we always have a birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Each of the little kids always gets their own candle to burn out and I look forward to Ava having a candle to blow out in the future! She was good for most of the evening until she just got so downright tired she threw a hissy fit. She's a very curious girl and is always concerned she just might miss something! She finally calmed down and slept on my mom the rest of the night. We ventured to Midnight Mass and she slept soundly in her carseat like an angel the entire time! That was the best she's ever behaved in church!Sleeping during Midnight Mass - she's pulling blankets over her face alot these days
Not so happy when she got home from Midnight Mass
We woke up Christmas morning and had Christmas at our house! Santa was very good to Ava (as were Mommy and Daddy)! She really shouldn't need too many toys for a while! After we had our Christmas we headed over to my parent's house to have our Christmas with them before the rest of the family showed up for Christmas lunch. Ava didn't show much interest in any of her gifts except for one my parents got her. They got her this little doll that giggles and Ava just stared at that thing for a minute and then started laughing at it. She liked that a baby finally "talked" back to her! She had another "scared" episode yesterday and finally fell asleep on my parent's bed with the help of a bottle. I sure hope we outgrow this stage soon!
Merry Christmas! Waking up on Christmas morning
Is it time to open presents yet?!
Mommy and Ava by the tree
Daddy and Ava by the tree
Ava with all of her presents
Ava checking out her loot
We had a wonderful holiday - we hope you did too!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Quick weekend
So, it's been a fun weekend. Friday we had dinner with our good friends, Iva and Bobby and their son Logan. We always have a wonderful time with them and enjoy their company tremendously. Iva and I spent a portion of the evening defending ourselves to our husbands about the difference between reading blogs and stalking! They are convinced that is what we do, but we disagree. (Sally, I wish your family had been here too! Miss you guys!)
We got up early this morning and went to church and then ran a few errands. Zach finished up some of his Christmas shopping while Ava and I napped. When he got home, Ava and I headed off to my parent's house so Zach could wrap presents. My mom always bakes Christmas cookies and she hates decorating her sugar cookies, so I always help her decorate them. I did that today while my dad played with Ava.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wasn't it just yesterday?

Ava is three months old today and it feels like it's gone by in the blink of an eye. Seriously? Already? She's a quarter of a year old!!! It amazes me how the time just speeds on by. I am LOVING the stage Ava is in right now. She's SO SO happy and so sweet and I love just being with her. Every day she surprises or amuses us with something and each day is a new adventure but we are loving every moment and milestone.
Ava's Accomplishments @ 3 months old:
- She has discovered her feet and tries to grab at them
- She tries to grab at EVERYTHING!
- She talks and talks and talks - her daddy has said he's scared she's going to be a big talker like her mommy!
- When she is propped up, she tries to pull herself up into a sitting position.
- She tries so hard to roll from her back to her stomach - she can make it about half way. (I'm not quite sure why she wants to do this b/c she HATES tummy time and screams when I put her on her tummy. She usually just rolls over to her back)
- She is starting to have sounds with her laughs/grins.
Things I Love about Ava @ this age:
- Her "talking"
- Her determination in accomplishing tasks
- The way she snuggles in to my body when she's really tired and wants to go to sleep
- The way she smiles at me when I go get her in the middle of the night
- The way she is mesmerized by ceiling fans
- The way she can be crying when we put her in her carseat but stops every time she hears us open the garage door
- The way she smells after her bath
- The way she stretches each morning after we unswaddle her
- Her sweet little lamb cry
- Her quivering chin when she cries
- Her big, beautiful, blue eyes
- How she smiles and talks at/to her "friends" when we put her in her swing
- How she grins and grins at her daddy
- Her strong nature

Happy girl!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Back in the saddle
Miss Ava had to get her shots this afternoon. :( I'm so not good at seeing my baby hurt. The one thing I dislike about our pediatrician is that they won't give shots in his office. Therefore, we had to go to the

Saturday, December 13, 2008
I'm a Survivor..
Me and my sweet girl before I left - look at the semi-grin!
Friday, December 12, 2008
I've been tagged...
1. Wore heels almost every day
2. Always forgot to take pictures even though I had my camera
3. Slept in on the weekends
4. Pick up and go whenever and wherever we pleased
5. Ate Mexican at least once a week (good ole college days)
6. Go grocery shopping with Zach
7. Slept with my bedroom door shut
1. Stop by the daycare on my way to work
2. Carry my phone with me ALL the time in case someone needs to get a hold of me regarding Ava
3. Clip coupons for formula and diapers
4. Sit in the cry room at chuch on occasion
5. Drink water all day long
6. Sleep with a baby monitor, complete with alarm, on
7. Put my hands over a naked rear in case accidents happen on the way to the bath tub
1. Have more babies (but not for a while)
2. Live more in the here and now instead of always worrying about the future
3. Quit my job and be a SAHM
4. Go on a trip somewhere warm and beachy
5. Have someone else clean my house
6. Be a blessing to someone each day
7. Live for a very long time to come
1. He loves me unconditionally
2. He is so patient and understanding with me and my weird quirks
3. He is AMAZING with our daughter
4. He GETS me.. often when no one else does
5. He puts me and Ava first
6. He has a great sense of humor
7. He is my best friend
1. Mommy loves you
2. Hi, sweet girl
3. Really and truly (although not as much since Zach pointed it out)
4. Hey honey, can you...?
5. You're ok, Ava
6. Nuh-uh
7. Can you smile for momma?
And I tag whoever wants to play!