When we actually do things other than work and go to school, I love this little blog to have as a record book of fun (and not so fun) important times in our lives. When we are just going through the routine, I don’t have as much to write about and feel like I let it fall by the wayside. I know I’ve been this way in the past and know that the cycle will come back around to where I have more to write about. So until then, it may be once a week that I write. Who knows?
Earlier in the week, Reed shared his funny face with me. I told him he looked like his monster shirt!
We went outside for some play time while Ava and Zach were at gymnastics! We loved the warmer weather we had last night. Reed of course played without his pants on because he always likes to take his pants off!
Right around the time Reed’s first surgery was scheduled, we had planned to take away his paci. He loves it and is majorly attached to it. They stay in his bed and he only has one at bedtime but he is always ready for it when he is getting ready for bed. Well, when we found out he needed surgery, I couldn’t bear to take it away because of the comfort it gave him. Then he had to have another surgery and the cycle continued. As of now, things seem good and so we have plans to shed the paci next weekend when spring break starts. It’s going to be hard and sad for him (I imagine) and I’ll miss one of these last bits of his babyhood.
One morning last weekend Zach noticed Ava had a pink smiley face on her cheek! We hadn’t noticed it the night before. We asked her about it and she said she didn’t remember anyone drawing on her. When I went to get a cloth to clean it off, I found her scrubbing her hand. Apparently she had drawn on her hand the night before and then laid her face on her hand and the smiley face transferred!
We had a fairly quiet weekend other than a birthday party and church. We were excited to get our weekend started.
We didn’t need a whole lot of groceries this week so Zach took Reed to “Wal-Mark” (as Reed calls it) and he was SOOOO excited. He kept saying, “we goin without Ava. we goin without Ava.” :)
It was so nice to have a relaxing quiet afternoon before we gear up for a fairly busy week. It rained pretty much all day Sunday and it was nice to just stay inside and take it easy. The kids napped well both days and it was nice to have a little quiet time to watch tv in silence!
I love this girl and can’t believe how grown up she is looking.
On Sunday I was going through closets trying to see what kind of clothes we needed for spring/summer and Ava decided to model this season’s bathing suits. She gave us a “fashion show”! Too bad that we had snow flurries mixed in our rain!