I lost my first grandparent yesterday. My grandpa, Nonno, started feeling bad a couple weeks ago. They found some spots on his liver and after testing, they were told on Thursday that cancer was throughout his body and that they expected him to have 4-6 weeks. He began going downhill quickly on Friday, and yesterday his body gave out. My dad and his brother both live far away and were in mid-flight on their way there and sadly didn’t make it in time. What a reminder that life is so brief and can be over in an instant.
Please pray for our family at this time. Many of us will have long travels there (12 hours in our case) and the weather looks questionable. Also, please keep my grandmother in your prayers. She lost her mother last month and now has lost her husband too.
I’m grateful Nonno didn’t have to suffer. Up until two weeks ago he felt fine and I’m grateful the end of his life wasn’t filled with pain and suffering. He’s healed now and is feeling well again walking the streets of Heaven.
I’m very sad to be in this stage of my life. I know it will be happening more frequently as I get older. But I know I’m also SO SO fortunate that I’ve had my grandparents in my life this long. Not only that, I had three great grandparents until the age of 15. I’m truly blessed I’ve gotten to know my grandparents so well and am so glad my kids know them too. I’m sad that Reed & Nonno never had a chance to meet.
With them living 12 hours away, we didn’t get to see them frequently. The last time we saw him was in September at Stephen and Leslie’s wedding, three weeks before I had Reed. I’m grateful we had the chance to see him one last time.
Rest in peace, Nonno. We will miss you.
Also, please also pray for my SIL. She will be undergoing a surgery this Tuesday and needs prayers for a safe procedure as well as a speedy recovery! Thanks friends!!!!