Zach went and bought it yesterday while out yesterday. We're copy-catters but it was a super cute tub and it does the job perfectly. We try to buy gender neutral items in case we have a boy down the road, but Zach said she could have a pink bath tub! It's too cute - and it quacks when you squeeze it's beak! It made Ava giggle (which by the way is pretty much the sweetest sound in the world to me!).
Giving it a test before bathtime
She was focused on all of her toys, she wouldn't look at me the entire time
But we did get her to look tonight
Today we went to NWA to do a few things. Can you believe it's almost April and soooooooooooo cold! It was snowing so hard up in Rogers/Bentonville. Craziness!! We spent some time at the mall and then had lunch at Abuelo's. I couldn't believe how hard the snow was coming down. We were back in town by about 3:00 and did a few more things to round out the afternoon.
Oh, and check out this cute Easter bunny!