Monday, August 11, 2014

Fun, fun, and more fun!

We have been having a lot of fun the last week! I took a few days off work to stay with the kids while all the care was closed down for cleaning and professional development. The first day of school is Wednesday and when it starts, Ava will be starting KINDERGARTEN and Reed will be be starting PRESCHOOL! Say WHAT?!!

I’m also going to attempt to catch up on some stuff we’ve done since we’ve been back from the beach!

The week after we got home, I went to drop Reed off at school on Thursday morning. It had stormed the day before, and when we got there, there was no electricity! So, I took Reed down the street with me to work for a bit while we waited on our summer sitter to come get him. He had fun “working” for me.IMG_0329 IMG_0335

Reed has also decided over the summer that while at home, he no longer wants to nap. We make him lay down but no sleep follows. So the scene at 7:00 or before on those days looks a lot like this. IMG_0341

Alot of Friday evenings, Ava comes and lays down in my bed with me. Zach likes to stay up and catch up on some of his shows, so Ava and I lay down and we either watch a movie or she goes to sleep while I read. One Friday evening we let Reed join us and I think all parties were pretty content. IMG_0359 

Ava had to spend a couple of mornings at school with Zach and he sent me some pictures of her playing the flute one morning. She looks pretty natural!  IMG_0508

Ava spent the summer with my 16 year old cousin and Ava absolutely loved it!!!!! She said it was like having a big sister! She did Ava’s hair one day and I loved how cute it looked!!!!IMG_0525

I love how kids can find so much joy in such simple pleasures such as an umbrella! I need to take a lesson from this!! IMG_0535

Reed started at the early childhood center at our school when he was 3 months old. August 1st was his last day there. The love he received while he was there was more than a mom could ever have prayed for. He LOVED it and when we talk about preschool, he says he is not going and just wants to stay in his old class. I think Wednesday will be a shock. :( IMG_0599


Last week on our days off, we spent one day in NWA with one of my best friends. Her talented hubby had built this amazing plane swing and Reed LOVED it! IMG_0708Getting to spend several uninterrupted hours with my wonderful friend (the longest we’ve seen each other since she moved almost a year ago), was soooooooooooooooooo good for my soul. It was a great day!

On Tuesday, we all got hair cuts and then met friends at Chick-fil-a for lunch and play.IMG_0730

Last week was slightly rough though, for Zach certainly, because he was leaving for work before 8:00 and coming home well after 8:00. Tuesday night the kids tried to wait up for him but both fell asleep in the living room before he got home. IMG_0820

Wednesday Reed was soooooo tired and I just couldn’t console him and he finally just said “I just miss my daddy”. So sad. IMG_0863 

So Thursday night I drove them up to Zach’s school to see him for a few minutes before his evening rehearsal. Talk about a happy boy!!!! IMG_0882

Friday, Ava went to an almost slumber party! She wore her pjs and got to do all the slumber party things but came home to sleep! It was such a fun and cute party!!!! IMG_0885 IMG_0911

Saturday night I found her in bed with her sleep mask resting on her head! :)IMG_0964

Yesterday we got up and headed to church and then after that went to spend the day with Zach’s sister and her family. Oh Reed, and his faces!IMG_0973 IMG_0977

We attempted to take a picture of the cousins together, but that WASN’T easy. We did pretty good, but I wish I knew why the one wasn’t looking was the oldest?!?!IMG_1023 IMG_1030

We’ve definitely had some busy but fun last couple of weeks. We are going to squeeze in as much fun as we can the next two days before we are back to it full time!!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun and busy week/weekend! I love Reed's faces in your pictures all the time. He is hilarious! And I can't believe how big Ava is getting. Time needs to SLOW down!

  2. Poor Reed, that picture of him upset is just heartbreaking! Sarah, how have your kids gotten so big?!?! It makes me want to cry! Miss you, friend. I must get to your area for lunch soon!


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